Monday, December 04, 2006

This one is a spike buck

*We have three tags we can fill this year, as we often do. Never filled more than one of them before though. Alan looks like being a fairly good hunter.


threecollie said...

Well, hello wally and thanks for visiting. First of all did you read the post below this one, because I think it explains my philosophy on hunting pretty well? To repise, we run a farm, we grow lots of feed, the deer eat an amazing amount of it, so sometimes we harvest deer and eat them. We have many deer here, enough that they damage the crops if not controlled. Hunting as we do it is a natural cycle that existed LONG before Bambi and animal rights and all the attendant nonsense. We are not poor per se, although farming isn't exactly a lucrative lifestyle and we actually needed the meat. There are stores here...however, home grown and wild food is better than what they have to offer. I like the pattern of living with nature and living with and from it that our small farm offers. Hope this clears things up for you.

dmmgmfm said...

HHDDD (he who doesn't do dishes) got an elk this year. We have had one meal of it so far, and the meat is excellent. I don't personally hunt, I prefer to shoot with a camera, but I know that there are too many of them in our area and if they aren't harvested, they will starve or fall victim to disease.

threecollie said...

Hi dmm, must be quite a project to even get an elk out! What do they weigh anyhow? We have a large population as well and even with quite a lot of hunting pressure as we are near a town, with twin fawns for almost every doe, they soon become quite numerous.

threecollie said...

Deer that is not